Dania Ewodage is my name. I am a Nigerian, married with children. A profession teacher with years of experience and certified by the C.I.E, I hold a BSc. and Masters degrees both in economics, and the U.K. Inst. of Marketing diploma. I am also a Consultant and Pastor.
Dania Ewodage is my name. I am a Nigerian, married with children. A profession teacher with years of experience and certified by the C.I.E, I hold a BSc. and Masters degrees both in economics, and the U.K. Inst. of Marketing diploma. I am also a Consultant and Pastor.
Money supply and monetary policy measures. Changes in interest rates, money supply and foreign exchange rates. Effects of monetary policy - How monetary policy measures may enable the government to achieve its macroeconomic aims. Supply -side policy measures - Examples include education and training, labour market reforms, lower direct taxes, deregulation, improving incentives to work and invest, and privatisation.
Effects of supply-side policy measures - How supply-side policy measures may enable the government to achieve its macroeconomic aims. ‘Class Activity’ and Multiple Choice Questions with ‘Answers.’ + Lesson plan on monetary policy
Complete Lesson.
Current Account of the Balance of Payments ’ppt’ IGCSE Economics. With these resources, I have consistently produced A*s, As, and Bs. You can replicate my results with my up-to-date notes. *Engage your students, relax, and simply guide them as they work and learn to excel. ‘Class Activities.’ ‘Questions with Answers.’
Lesson Objectives;
At the completion of the lesson, the students should be able to;
The Structure - components of the current account of the balance of payments – trade in goods, trade in services, primary income and secondary income. Calculation of deficits and surpluses on the current account of the balance of payments and its component sections. Causes of current account deficit and surplus - Reasons for deficits and surpluses. Consequences of current account deficit and surplus Impact on GDP, employment, inflation and foreign exchange rate. Policies to achieve balance of payments stability - The range of policies available to achieve balance of payments stability and how effective they might be.Class Activities provided with Answers.
A whole lesson covering the content of the syllabus for this topics. It is all you need to teach on this unit for Business Studies and Economics IGCSE syllabus 2017 - 2019. Good for both Teachers and Students’ note taking.
Lesson Objectives:
At the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
6.1 Define 6.1.1 Recession
Identify and describe the main stages of the business cycle; growth, boom, recession, slump
Lesson Plan.
This lesson plan that can be used directly or adapted by any teacher to suite his or her school’s need. It can be used together with the Topics to be covered and the work scheme.
LESSON OBJECTIVE: At the end of the lesson the students should be able to:
1.4.1 The main features of:
• Public limited companies • Concepts of risk, ownership and limited liability • Recommend and justify Public limited companies as a suitable form of business organisation to owners/management in a given situation
Analysis of Accounts, Profitability Measures, & Acid Test Ratios. * ’ppt’ IGCSE Business Studiess. I have consistently produced A*s, As, and Bs. You can replicate my results with my up-to-date notes. *Engage your students, relax, and simply guide them as they work and learn to excel. ‘Class Activities.’ with Answers.’
Lesson Objectives;
At the completion of the lesson, the students should be able to;
Profitability: • The concept and importance of profitability. Liquidity:
• The concept and importance of liquidity.
How to interpret the financial performance of a business by calculating and analyzing profitability ratios and liquidity ratios: • Gross profit margin • Profit margin • Return on Capital Employed • Current ratio
• Acid test ratio
Why and how accounts are used: • Needs of different users of accounts and ratio analysis • How users of accounts and ratio results might use information to help make decisions, e.g. whether to lend to or invest in the business. ‘Class Activities with Answers.’
**A complete lesson. ** Legal controls over employment issues and their impact on employers and employees, ‘ppt’ ** IGCSE Business Studies syllabus.
I have consistently produced A*s, As, and Bs. You can replicate my results with my up-to-date notes, *Engage your students, relax, and simply guide them as they work and learn. Questions at the end. Answers provided.
Lesson Objectives;
At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to;
• Demonstrate awareness of the Legal controls over employment issues and their impact on employers and employees:• Identify legal controls over employment contracts, unfair dismissal, discrimination, health and safety, legal minimum wage.
Do the ‘Test Yourself Questions‘ and the ‘Business Case Study Question’ at the end of the slide. ‘Answer provided’.
Complete Lesson
Why Downing sizing the workforce might be necessary * ’ppt’ IGCSE Business Studies. I have consistently produced A*s, As, and Bs. You can replicate my results with my up-to-date notes, *Engage your students, relax, and simply guide them as they work and learn. Questions at the end. Answers provided. *Engage your students, relax, and simply guide them as they work and learn to excel. Class Activities, with Answers
Lesson Objectives:At the end of the lesson, students should be able to,Identify and explain why reducing the size of the workforce might be necessary:• Difference between dismissal and redundancy with examples to illustrate the difference• Understand situations in which downsizing the workforce might be necessary, e.g. automation or reduced demand for products• Recommend and justify which workers to recruit/make redundant in given circumstances‘Test yourself‘ and ‘Exam Questions.’ ‘Answers provided’
**A complete lesson. ** Marketing Competition and the Customer. , ‘ppt’ IGCSE Business Studies syllabus. *.Engage your students, relax, and simply guide them as they work and learn. Answers at the end.
Lesson Objectives;
At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to;
3.1 Define marketing, describe competition and the customer
3.1.1 Identify and explain the role of marketing such as:
• Identifying customer needs / • Satisfying customer needs
• Maintaining customer loyalty; building customer relationships
3.1.2 Identify and explain why customer/consumer spending patterns may change / • The power and importance of changing customer needs
• Why some markets have become more competitive
• How business can respond to changing spending patterns and increased competition.
Whole Lesson:
A whole lesson on this topic as stated. It is all you need to teach on this topic for IGCSE Business Studies syllabus 2017 - 2019. It is good for Teaching and Students’ note taking and class works.
Lesson Objectives:
At the end of the lesson, students should be able to :
• 1.3.2 Identify and explain Methods of measuring business size, e.g. number of people employed, value of output, capital employed (profit is not a method of measuring business size)
• Explain the limitations of methods of measuring business size
• 1.3.3 Identify and explain why the owners of a business may want to expand the business
• Differentiate ways in which businesses can grow
• Problems linked to business growth and how these might be overcome
1.3.4 Identify and explain why some (new or established) businesses fail:
• Identify and explain the causes of business failure, e.g. lack of management skills, changes in the business environment
• Explain why new businesses are at a greater risk of failing
Do the class activities provided with answers at the end of the presentation.
A Bundle Work Sheet tailored to meet the IGCSE Business Studies 0450 syllabus for 2020, 2021 and 2022 exam requirements. The activities in it should cover more than one or two lessons. Assuredly, it will help you to fully engage your key stage 4 students during lessons as well prepare them for the ‘A grades’ in the final examinations. All you need to do is print out the part of the work sheet you want to use, explain and/or discuss the sub topic for no more than 5 - 10 minutes and guide the students as they work on the tasks. They would scarcely need to consult with their text books and they will learn by themselves.
1.1.1 The purpose and nature of business activity and Added Value.
1.2.1 Classification of businesses in ters of sectore and Reasons for the Changing Importance of Business Classification.
: 1.2.2. Classify business enterprises between private sector and public sector in a mixed economy
Lesson Plan
Topic: Classification of businesses - ‘MS word doc.’
Lesson Objective: are shared with the students for awareness and expectation of lesson outcome.
At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to;
Classify Business activity in terms of primary, secondary and tertiary sectors:
•• Basis of business classification, using examples to illustrate the classification
•• Reasons for the changing importance of business classification, e.g. in developed and developing economies. Classify business enterprises between private sector and public sector in a mixed economy.
NB: You can add your school name, and logo on top, you own name, date, and class year, term and week. Also, you can rejig it for more than a lesson by adjusting up the objectives, Plenary and lesson starter etc.
Bundle: description & Content:
Role of multinational companies (MNCs) and the costs and benefits. The benefits of free trade for consumers, producers and the economy in a variety of countries.
Methods of protection. Reasons for protection - Consequences of protection and its impact on the home country and its trading partners.
Lesson Plan
Topic: Production of goods and services - Lean production, etc. ‘MS word doc.’
Lesson Objective: are shared with the students for awareness and expectation of lesson outcome.
At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to;
Explain the meaning of production: •• Managing resources effectively to produce goods and services •• Difference between production and productivity •• Benefits of increasing efficiency and how to increase it, e.g. increasing productivity by automation and technology, improved labour Skills •• Why businesses hold inventories •• The concept of lean production: how to achieve it, e.g. just-in-time inventory control and Kaizen; benefits of lean production
The main methods of production: •• Features, benefits and limitations of job, batch and flow production •• Recommend and justify an appropriate production method for a given situation How technology has changed production methods, e.g. using computers in design and Manufacturing.
NB: You can add your school name, and logo on top, you own name, date, and class year, term and week. Also, you can rejig it for more than a lesson by adjusting up the objectives, Plenary and lesson starter etc.
Lesson Plan
Topic: Recruitment, selection and training of employees - ‘MS word doc.’
Lesson Objective: are shared with the students for awareness and expectation of lesson outcome.
At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to;
Explain the Recruitment and selecting employees: •• Recruitment and selection methods. •• Difference between internal recruitment and external recruitment
•• Main stages in recruitment and selection of employees •• Recommend and justify who to employ in given circumstances •• Benefits and limitations of part-time employees and full-time employees.
The importance of training and the methods of training: •• Importance of training to a business and to employees •• Benefits and limitations of induction training, on-the-job training and off-the-job training
Why reducing the size of the workforce might be necessary: •• Difference between dismissal and redundancy with examples •• Understand situations in which downsizing the workforce might be necessary, e.g. automation or reduced demand for products •• Recommend and justify which employees to make redundant in given circumstances. Legal controls over employment issues and their impact on employers and employees.
•• Legal controls over employment contracts, unfair dismissal, discrimination, health and safety, legal minimum wage
NB: You can add your school name, and logo on top, you own name, date, and class year, term and week. Also, you can rejig it for more than a lesson by adjusting the topics and objectives, Plenary and lesson starter etc.
Lesson Plan
Topic: Organisational charts and The role of management - ‘MS word doc.’
Lesson Objective: are shared with the students for awareness and expectation of lesson outcome.
At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to;
Draw, interpret and understand simple organisational charts: •• Simple hierarchical structures: span of control, levels of hierarchy, chain of command •• Roles and responsibilities of directors, managers, supervisors, other employees in an organization and inter-relationships between them. The role of management: •• Functions of management, e.g. planning, organising, coordinating, commanding and controlling •• Importance of delegation; trust versus control.
NB: You can add your school name, and logo on top, you own name, date, and class year, term and week. Also, you can rejig it for more than a lesson topic by adjusting up the objectives, Plenary and lesson starter etc.
Lesson Plan
Topic: Foreign exchange rates Lesson Plan IGCSE Economics- ‘MS word doc.’
Lesson Objective: are shared with the students for awareness and expectation of lesson outcome.
At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to;
Define foreign exchange rate - Floating and fixed systems. Explain the determination of foreign exchange rate in
foreign exchange market - The demand for and supply of a currency in the foreign exchange market and the determination of the equilibrium foreign exchange rate. Causes of foreign exchange rate fluctuations - Including changes in demand for exports and imports, changes in the rate of interest, speculation, and the entry or departure of MNCs. consequences of foreign exchange rate fluctuations - The effects of foreign exchange rate fluctuations on export and import prices and spending on imports and exports via the PED. Floating and fixed foreign exchange rates - The difference between, and the advantages and disadvantages of, a floating foreign exchange rate and a fixed foreign exchange rate system.
NB: You can add your school name, and logo on top, you own name, date, and class year, term and week. Also, you can rejig it for more than a lesson topic by editing the objectives, Plenary and lesson starter etc.
Strategic questions and mark schemes package for Business Studies to help teachers prepare students for JGCSE grades A* - C. It is IGCSE syllabuses 2016 - 2018 based and useful especially for teachers who want a ready exam questions to orientate and instill confidence in their students for excellent IGCSE final exams performance . It provides questions for IGCSE papers 1 and 2 exams and save teachers valuable time used up in setting standard exam questions and mark schemes. Paper 1 covers short case study questions on business activity, government economic influence, added value, to business units, etc. while paper 2 has a full IGCSE case study. Teachers should study this case study with students during the term and assist them to answer the questions correctly according to the mark scheme but without letting them know that it is a part of their exam questions. In this way, he will develop the students' confidence ahead of time, preparing them for A* - C grades depending on their levels of ability.
Strategic questions and mark schemes package for Business Studies to help teachers prepare students for JGCSE grades A* - C. It is IGCSE syllabuses 2016 - 2018 based and useful especially for teachers who want a ready exam questions to orientate and instill confidence in their students for excellent IGCSE final exams performance. It provides questions for IGCSE papers 1 exams and save teachers valuable time used up in setting standard examination questions and mark schemes. It covers short case study questions over the syllabus range. Teachers should study some of these questions with students during the term and assist them to answer the questions correctly according to the IGCSE mark scheme provided but without letting them know that it is a part of their exam questions. In this way, he will develop the students' confidence ahead of time, preparing them for A* - C grades depending on their levels of ability.
To safe valuable time, here in is an affordable excellent 'Ready to use Key stage 4 year 10 IGCSE Business Studies Syllabus Preset Examination Questions with Marks Scheme for Teachers. It covers: Understanding business activity, Marketing, Operations management,
Financial information and decisions, etc.
This bundle is prepared for parents of students, teachers and students of IGCSE Business Studies. It covers a range of the topics in the syllabus as follows:
Year 10 Term 1 Week 1: Understanding business activity: • Concepts of needs, wants, scarcity and
opportunity cost • Importance of specialization • Purpose of business activity • adding value to
Year 10 Term 3 Week 9: 3.3.5 Technology and the marketing mix.
Parents and their wards can use this bundle to mirror the topics being studied in their children's Schools for each term it covers. Teachers can also adapt it for their subjects in the schools where they teach.